Cashmere tank top
YOU NEED (for a size 42):
First yarn: 125 gr. of pink 613 yarn (or any other color of your choice);
Second yarn: 150 gr. of pink 30 yarn (or any other color of your choice) – of which 130 gr. for the tank top and 20 gr. for the clutch bag;
Irons n. 5;
Wool needle with rounded tip;
A handful of small pearls;
A cm long zipper. 16;
A decorative metallic butterfly;
A small piece of matching lining.
With needles:
Stockinette stitch.
With the needle:
Grass point.
Daisy stitch.
Full stitch.
Cm. 10×10 worked with needles no. 5 and with the two yarns used together in stockinette stitch they are equal to 16 m. and 19 irons.
Tank top – back: adv. 70 m. with needles n.5 and with the used yarns. Work 4 garter needles, equal to cm. 1.5 in height. Next in stockinette stitch. At 37 cm in total height, for the armholes weave. 4 sts on the sides, then, inside the 2 sts. of margin that are worked in garter, dim. 1 m. every 2 rows 6 times (=50 sts). By size 1 m. at the beginning of the worked row. 1 acc. simple (pass. 1 knit st., at the end of the row work 1 simple crochet. (pass. 1 knit st. without working it, 1 knit st., crochet the slipped st over the one knitted .). At 56 cm of total height, work the first and last 11 sts in stocking st, the 28 central sts in garter for 4 needles. At 58 cm of total height, bind off all sts.
Tank top – front: work like back. At cm. 40 of total height, for the neckline divide the work and continue. the two parts separated. Within the 2 m. of the neckline, which are worked in garter, dim. 1 m. every 2 rows 12 times, 1 st. every 4th row 2 times. At cm. 58 of total altitude intertwined. 11 m. left for each shoulder.
Clutch: adv. 24 m. with needles no. 5 and with the first yarn, doubled. Work 4 garter needles. Next in stocking stitch. At cm. 26 of total height, work. 4 garter and braiding needles. the m.
Tank top: sew shoulders and sides. With the unc. and with the first yarn, finish the neckline and armholes with a crayfish stitch. With the needle and the first thread, doubled, carry out the embroidery as per drawing 1, working the stems with stem stitch, the leaves and petals with daisy stitch, the pistil with satin stitch but with the second thread. Decorate the pistil, the tip of each leaf and the stems with the beads.
Clutch: fold the rectangle in half and, on one of the sides (the front of the clutch), embroider the stem as per drawing 2, with the second thread doubled. Decorate the stem and tips of each leaf with beads. Sew the side parts of the doubled rectangle and insert the zip along the opening. With the lining, make a small bag, fixing it inside the clutch bag with an understitch. Apply the butterfly in a corner.
When you need to change color in a job on p. ribs, work. the first iron with the new color to say the least. on the right of the work, to avoid knots of contrasting color being seen.
If some colored rows are made up of an odd number of rows, work with double stitch needles, so as not to have to break the thread at every color change. To make the stitch more regular, before ironing the garment, wrap it in a damp cloth and leave it like that for a few hours (or overnight).