Home 9 Product 9 Yarn 80% cashmere 20% merino extrafine 4/14 color blue melange cones 510 gr
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Yarn 80% cashmere 20% merino extrafine 4/14 color blue melange cones 510 gr

Yarn 80% cashmere 20% merino extrafine

Nm. 4/14

Needle 4-5

Crochet 4-5

Knitting machine 5

All our yarns are in stock, untreated/washed, and appear raw. For this reason, it is essential to make a small sample and wash it following our recommendations before proceeding. Click here for more info..

Original price was: €115,90.Current price is: €73,20.

Previous lowest price was 73,20.

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5 in stock

SKU: 4/14-80WS20WV-BLUMELANGE-521634-510GR Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 0,7 kg

Knitting Machine (gauge)


weight (gr)

Price/Kg (VAT included)

146.40 Euro/kg


Gauge Nm