Ecocashmere’s samples

by Jan 23, 2024Recycked Cashmere

campioni ecocashmere 1024x944 2A few days ago, the owner of Hircus Filati received an email from a customer with a question and a suggestion. Before mentioning her, I want to thank the kind lady because all customer suggestions are a valid support that allows us to improve services. Here is the email:

Good morning,

Allow me to give you a suggestion because I really like your site and I advertise for it but I can’t always buy from you because those who work with needles to follow a pattern first need to know the correspondence between the yarn and the sample.

Have you ever thought about the possibility of indicating for the different yarns the number of stitches and needles needed to construct the 10 cm sample? (…)

In this last order, for example, I would have preferred cashmere (as always) but I bought merino precisely because I was looking for a yarn that matched the reference sample (…)

Giving this information for all yarns is difficult, considering that many of them are only put on sale periodically and the quantities of yarn are limited (these are the real opportunities not to be missed).

However, there are also fine yarns that are always on sale: I’m talking about Ecocashmere, a quality yarn at a really affordable price. For this type of yarn, the information suggested by the customer will certainly be of valid help.

It seems necessary, however, to underline that the numbers of stitches and needles in a 10 x 10 cm sample are approximate. This sample must not replace the sample to be carried out by the customer. Why? Because the tension of the thread could change, depending on the hand, some tighten more, some less. Therefore it is important that each customer chooses the number of irons suitable for their hand. The dimensions of the sample, after washing, may also be different.

For the execution of the sample, another piece of information is important.

Less experienced people think that it is necessary to make a sample that has precise measurements, i.e. 10cm x 10cm. Absolutely not. The sample to be made must be larger, like the one you see in the photo. Only then will the number of stitches and rows in 10 cm, measured within the sample, be a valid support that will allow us to correctly calculate the number of stitches to cast on.

img216 1024x680 2By clicking on download, you will be able to download the PDF document for free in which you will find a table of samples made with Ecocashmere.

Click here for open/download the tabella-ecocashmere-campioni (ecocashmere samples table)

I hope it will help you with your future purchases

Alicja Kwartnik for Hircus Filati

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